8 Plants & Macrame Plant Hanger Ideas
Our gorgeous new collection of sustainable bright macramé plant hangers have arrived. If you’re saving space or simply looking for a new, interesting way to display your indoor greenery, look no further, as this stylish trend is perfect for transforming your home into a space of peace and calm. Discover the best plants for macramé hangers and give this trend a go with your favourite green beauties.
What Is Macramé?
Macramé is an ancient crafting method of intricate knotting techniques and tassel details that are used to create a range of beautiful accessories, including bracelets, dreamcatchers and hanging plant pots.
It’s been around for thousands of years, but more recently, macramé’s becoming more and more popular as a way to display indoor greenery. They’re loved for their modern, colourful look, adding texture to a room without the need to decorate or change the colour of the walls. We think they are a stunning new addition to our collection and a fab way to display your trailing plants; perfect for small spaces and to create a focal point in a room.
What Plants Are Good For Macramé Hangers?
We’ve curated a selection of our top 8 trailing plants best suited for our macramé hangers so you can give this stylish trend a try. Unleash your creativity and explore our favourite macramé plant hanger ideas.
Neon Macramé Plant Hanger
Display your botanical beauties in our bright macramé plant hangers. They have been handwoven by Liz using sustainable fabric and features intricate knotting and tassel details that look fab out on display. It comes without plants, leaving you to choose your favourites and create your own jungle look.
Our hangers include a wooden loop, making this sturdy plant hanger perfect for hanging from the ceiling of any room to add some serious style to your home.
Our macrame plant hangers are perfectly sized for small and medium pots, most of the hangers are made from stretchy material so can accommodate several sized pots.
Hotpink Macrame Plant Hanger, £17.99
Natural Macrame Plant Hanger, £9.99
Natural Macramé Hanger
Our natural sustainable cotton macramé hanger with sustainable thread will suit any décor. We have a lot of colours to suit so please take a browse.
Our Neutral Macrame Plant Hanger looks great in any space and adds a colour pop. It’ll add some serious style to your interior space – hang it from a wall or ceiling to instantly update your space with a touch of greenery.
If you’re looking for something a little less bright, our neutral macramé hanger comes styled in one of our beautiful stoneware hasu pots. It’s a thing of true beauty and will help create that boho look.
Neutral Macrame Plant Hanger with Hasu Pot £36
Philodendron Micans
The Philodendron Micans is one of the most attractive indoor trailing plants and super easy to care for too. Hang your Philodendron Micans in a macramé plant hanger and let the heart-shaped, velvety leaves take pride of place. They’re happy to grow in any direction and will hang beautifully as they grow, creating a funky, wild look in no time.
If you’re wondering about the Philodendron Micans plant care, this green beauty’s as tough as old boots and couldn’t be easier to look after. Simply keep it away from draughts, radiators and direct sunlight. It only needs watering once every 1-2 weeks to be happy and more often in Summer months.
Philodendron Micans in Green Twist Hanger £12.99
Hoya Carnosa Tricolour
The Hoya Carnosa Tricolour houseplant, is the perfect option to pop in the macramé plant hanger. Its variegated, waxy leaves are slow-growing and trail down beautifully from high up. Hoyas like to dry out and love lots of light. Why not hang your planter somewhere you can see them draping down?
Not only does it look great in a macramé planter, but this waxy beauty’s one of the best air purifying trojans. It removes a wide range of pollutants from the air, including airborne mould particles and other toxins. In fact, NASA produced a report proving this plant’s ability to improve air quality. Pretty impressive, huh?!
This air cleaning trojan will look great in a Bright Macrame Hanger, which colour will you pick?
Orange Hanger £12.99
ZigZag Cactus
Also known as the Fishbone Cactus, the Disocactus angulige
is a trailing beauty with unique flat green leaves that grow down when placed high up. That’s why a macramé hanger is a perfect way to unleash the plant’s potential, giving the leaves plenty of room to flourish.
When it comes to ZigZag Cactus care, place the plant somewhere bright and water it once a week. If you’re a newbie plant parent, you honestly can’t go wrong with keeping this green beauty alive.
This green delight will suit any Macrame Plant Hanger.
Neon Green Macrame Hanger, £12.99
Marble Queen
The Marble Queen plant is a fab starter plant and is one of our rare houseplants. This unique beauty will add interest and character to your indoor jungle. You might also know it as the Marble Queen Pothos and the Variegated Devil’s Ivy. Not only is it a plant of many names, but it naturally hangs, with its yellow and green variegated leaves, this plant is a showstopper and the perfect trailing plant to suit our Macrame Plant Hanger.
The Marble Queen is easy to care for, with a drink once a week you’ll see the stunning variegated leaves thrive and grow. Just hang your Marble Queen in the Medium macramé planter in either a bright or shady spot and water the plant once a week when the soil becomes dry.
This green beauty will fit in any Hanger
Macrame Hanger Green, £11.99
String of Pearls
The String of Pearls is one of the most popular trailing plants. The bobble pea like foliage, trail down, look fab on display and emerge beautifully from a stylish macramé plant hanger. It’s also delicate and can be quite tricky to grow, so use a fake one, you get the same effect without risking the amount of light and bottom watering these need.
A fake string of pearls is easy. You don’t need to water it and it requires no light.
Showcasing this mustard hanger
Long Mustard Hanger, £14.99
Spider Plant
With its thin, palm-like leaves, the Spider Plant is back on trend. It gives off some boho 70s vibes, making it the perfect partner for a macramé planter. It’s also one of the most adaptable houseplants and the easiest to grow.
If you forget about your plant every once in a while, don’t panic. It’s a hardy houseplant, so it’s not going to get too grumpy. To keep it happy and healthy, make sure it gets a drink once the soil starts to dry out and it will grow happily. It might even produce a few babies!
Keep it in a sunny spot away from direct sunlight and watch it grow before your eyes. A bathroom is a great spot to hang your macramé Spider Plant as it’ll enjoy the excess moisture.
Magenta Macrame Hanger, £11.99
Monstera Adansonii
Also known as the Monkey Mask, the Monstera Adansonii has holey leaves that’ll look wild in a natural hanger – perfect for creating a feature point alongside your indoor jungle. Not only that, but once the leaves grow long enough, they’ll trail out of the hanger beautifully.
The Monstera Adasonii can produce holes when the plant becomes more mature comes in a choice of any hangers. Water your plant every 7-10 days and put it in a bright spot that gets plenty of filtered sunlight.
Neon Yellow Macrame Hanger, £14.99
Philodendron Cordatum
Also known as the sweetheart plant, the Philodendron Cordatum is a trailing beauty with heart-shaped green leaves that grow down when placed high up. That’s why a macramé hanger is a perfect way to unleash the plant’s potential, giving the leaves plenty of room to flourish.
When it comes to Philodendron Cordatum care, place the plant somewhere bright and water it once a week. If you’re a newbie plant parent, you honestly can’t go wrong with keeping this green beauty alive. This plant is related to the Philodendron Micans, and also the Philodendron Brazil, that has yellow stripe varigation.
Fancy giving the macramé trend a try? We’d love to see a snap of your hanging plant in your home. Share them on Instagram with us and let us know with a tag. If you’d like to learn more about any of the plants on our list or have any burning questions, get in touch with us at hotpinkhangers@gmail.com.
Lots of love,
Team HPH